What are campaign objectives?

Campaign objectives are the desired ideal outcome(s) for your campaign.

DOT offers 6 options:

See below for more details on how & when to use each.

ObjectiveHow To
Brand AwarenessIf your goal is to increase your brand recognition and reach a larger audience, Brand Awareness is the campaign objective for you. By utilising this objective, you can increase the visibility of your brand to potential customers who may not have heard of you before. This campaign prioritises Page Visibility & Impression Share over CTR %.
SalesThe Sales campaign objective is designed to help you drive revenue for your business. By learning from other similar 'sales' led campaigns this objective is perfect for businesses that want to increase their sales volume and revenue.
App PromotionIf you have an app that you want to promote, the App Promotion campaign objective is the perfect choice. This objective is designed to help drive installs and engagement by referencing top performing data from other similar campaigns.
Email LeadsBuild email lists and generate leads for your business. Encourage users to sign up for your email list or download a lead magnet. This objective is perfect for businesses that want to build their email list and nurture leads over time. This can often be a useful alternative or additional compliment to re-targeting ads.
Website TrafficThe Website Traffic campaign objective is designed to help you drive more visitors to your website. With this objective you can target specific audiences and optimize campaigns for maximum clicks. This objective is perfect for businesses that want to increase their website traffic and grow their online presence.
Social FollowingIf you want to increase your social media following and engagement, the Social Following campaign objective is perfect. Encourage users to follow social media profiles including Discord & Telegram. This objective is perfect for businesses that want to build a loyal social media following and increase their brand awareness on social media.


By maintaining accurate 'campaign objective' labelling for campaigns, users are more easily able to compare outcomes and A/B test at a glance via the platform Campaigns Page.

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