Premium Ad Placements
(For Publishers)

Responsive Banners - Adapt to all device types and are a great starting point for in-article spaces, side bars, and other common locations. The most popular sizes are 300x250, 728x90, 300x600.

Powerful Sticky - The sticky unit, sometimes known as a Sticky Header, or Sticky Footer is the most powerful single unit available. It is known for it's high revenue generating potential, and is recommended by the IAB for positive user experiences. This is our most popular unit.

AI Smart Lazy - Automatically scans each page in real time and places ads where they are likely to both perform well and protect user experience. Install is easy, simply insert one line of code on your site, we do the rest.

Vignette - Vignettes appear between pages. For example, a user clicks from one page to the next, before the second page appears the user will see a Vignette ad. The DOT Vignette also offers additional features to ensure user experience is not compromised.